Our Core Philosophies

Effectiveness Before Aesthetics

Making your documents look good is not our only specialty. Because good ideas are the foundation of great design, we prefer to build from the ground up: conceptualization, writing, design, planning your organization's identity and marketing campaigns. We look at the project from every angle and determine the best possible solution. The goal is performance, not just appearance.

Big Picture Before Details

We love our computers, but we don't trust them. We trust hard work and intelligent planning. Every project is first solved with paper and pencil, then it is executed using whatever tools are best for the job. We ensure each design has dynamic content, inherent value and beauty, and overall effectiveness before we focus on the specifics of appearances.


In your field, you're the expert, we're not. Therefore, we listen. We gather the details we need to make your project fit like a glove. We don't compromise quality even when you require haste. And we realize that you don't really care if we tickle our own artistic fancies, as long as the design does its job. Our intent is to provide you a stronger organization and a satisfying experience.


Roundhouse-designed documents are crafted to accomplish your specific purpose. We shun generic design templates, ensuring your design is just right for you. Roundhouse will dress your company and products in the right clothing: fitting, sharp, unique.


Good design legitimizes your organization and eliminates the perception of a fly-by-night or failing mom and pop business. Extending that image across your entire operation builds customer trust, creating greater loyalty. If you use Roundhouse to develop your organization or product as a brand, we will give it a distinctive, appropriate, quality, and unified image.

Good Intentions Are Not Good Enough

These core philosophies are useless without capable people to implement them. We know that only quality workers produce quality work. A well-rounded blend of professional experience enables us to recognize talented professionals fitted to create whatever you need. To put it simply, we hire only great designers.
What is a great designer?